Recent Media Appearances:


March 18, 2010: First Business: Financial Reform (Part 2)

March 17, 2010: First Business: Financial Reform (Part 1)

February 26, 2010: First Business: Squaring Off: Health Care Summit

February 18, 2010: First Business: Economic Stimulus Checkup

February 1, 2010: First Business: Future of the Fed

January 14, 2010: First Business: Questions for Bank CEOs and Regulators

January 6, 2010: First Business: Financial Reform Efforts

December 2, 2009: First Business: Bernanke Hearing

November 11, 2009: WTTW 11 Chicago: Chicago: Chicago Tonight: News Analysis with Elizabeth Bracket

November 10, 2009: First Business: Financial Overhaul

October 28, 2009: First Business: GMAC: Worth Saving?

September 24, 2009: First Business: Regulator Rescue

September 14, 2009: First Business: Picking Up the Pieces

August 25, 2009: First Business: Is the Stimulus Paying Off?

June 24, 2009: First Business: Fed Chairman Grilled

June 5, 2009: WLS ABC 7 Chicago: FDIC Seizes Lincolnwood Bank

June 1, 2009: First Business: Uncle Sam's GM

May 6, 2009: WTTW 11 Chicago: Chicago Tonight/The Bottom Line: Bank Stress Tests

March 27, 2009: First Business: Unanswered Questions: Banks' Bank Assets

March 25, 2009: WFLD FOX 32 Chicago: Surviving the Recession: Real Estate

March 17, 2009: First Business: Bear Stearns: One Year Later

March 16, 2009: WLS ABC 7 Chicago: New Plan May Offer Tax Relief

Feb. 12, 2009: WLS ABC 7 Chicago: Older Workers Have High Hopes for Stimulus

Feb. 11, 2009: WTTW 11 Chicago: Chicago Tonight/The Bottom Line: Stimulus Package

Feb. 10, 2009: First Business Fixing the Economy

Feb. 3, 2009: First Business Bank Bank, Bad Idea?

Feb. 2, 2009: WFLD FOX 32 Chicago: Interview on Wall Street Bonuses

Jan. 23, 2009: First Business: New Treasury Secretary

Jan. 22, 2009: First Business: Obama's Plan: Will it Work?

Nov. 23, 2008: WLS ABC 7 Chicago: Obama Aides Push Economy Recovery Plan

Nov. 13, 2008: WFLD FOX 32 Chicago: Interview on Proposed GM Bailout

Nov. 4, 2008: First Business: First 100 Days

Oct. 30, 2008: First Business: Boosting the Economy

Oct. 20, 2008: First Business: GM/Chrysler Merger Talks

Oct. 7, 2008: WFLD FOX 32 Chicago: Craig Wall Interview: Fed Bailout

Oct. 2, 2008: CBS 2: Local Traders: Senate Vote ‘Too Little, Too Late’

Oct. 1, 2008: First Business: Powers of the Fed

Sep. 9, 2008: First Business: Bailout & Home Buyers

Print Media:

March 18, 2010: Chicago Sun-Times: Filling out Census Form Just makes Good Sense

March 10, 2010: American Banker: Texas Ratio, a '90s-Vintage Failure Predictor, Back in Vogue

March 9, 2010: American Banker: Thrift Charter-Flipping Just One More Strain for OTS

December 16, 2009: American Banker: Capital Base at Flagstar is Flagging

July 2, 2009: American Banker: Why Illinois is Becoming the Midwest's Failure Hub

April 9, 2009: American Banker: Pioneering Michigan Lender Hits a Regulatory Snag

Web Media:

March 1, 2010: 10 Years in the Making: Chicago's Notorious Housing Project Ending

February 1, 2010: Say Goodbye to Fannie and Freddie? Not Quite

April 21, 2009: FT.COM/Economistsforum: Tackling Delinquent Residential Mortgages